We Animals Legacy Society

Your promise to keep telling animals’ stories into the future.

Leaving a gift in your will to We Animals can make a difference for animals for generations to come. Your generosity helps to ensure the future of our work to share the stories of hidden animals worldwide through compelling photography and film.

You can allocate a donation of this kind with the reassurance that your support will have a lasting impact on the lives of countless animals.

There are several ways to give this type of gift to We Animals:

  • Designating a specific dollar amount or asset
  • Leaving a percentage of your estate

  • Gifting the balance or residue of your estate after your family and friends have been taken care of

  • Naming We Animals as the beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy

No matter which gift you may opt to leave in your will, you can know that you will be making a difference well into the future.

We Animals recommends consulting a lawyer or financial planner when putting together or changing your will. We are happy to discuss with you how your gift will be used.

Important Information

We Animals is a federally registered non-profit organization in Canada (1088408-1). U.S. donors are eligible for a tax receipt for donations over $500 via our fiscal sponsor, Karuna Foundation. Please email us to discuss further if you are a U.S. supporter.

Legal Name: We Animals
Address: Please contact us for the address when needed.
Email: development@weanimals.org

We Animals Legacy Society

We Animals’ work is only possible thanks to the continued support of supporters like you. If you have left a gift to We Animals in your will, and are comfortable sharing this with us, please email us to let us know. We would love to recognize you as a member of the We Animals Legacy Society. As a member, you will receive special updates, thank you cards, prints and our eternal gratitude.

We Animals Legacy Society Testimonials

I am happy to bequeath a part of my estate to We Animals’ activism. As a journalist and former undercover activist, I think I might be able to handle going into a slaughterhouse where animals are killed with captive-bolt pistols, but into a pig slaughterhouse where they’re bludgeoned to death and in front of each other? Nope. Never. I admire you all for your bravery, and for the necessary work you do to bring this kind of animal pain into the open. I believe in what you’re doing more than I do any other activist work: perhaps it’s the journalist in me, the believer that, as Gretchen Wyler used to say, “cruelty can’t stand the spotlight.” One picture can change a life in an instant. I know because it did mine so many decades ago.

— Laura Moretti

Journalist, former undercover activist, founder of Animals Voice Magazine, member of the Animal Rights Hall of Fame (2004)

I have included We Animals in my will because I have no doubt about the power of media, especially photography and video, in bringing awareness and creating change. “A picture is worth 1,000 words.” I have been moved by Jo-Anne’s work many times and I am sure many more were and will be too. She is a dedicated, talented, caring woman who uses her skills to advance a cause I deeply care about. I have been following her project from its early days and I am thrilled to see how it is evolving. It is an honor to contribute to her project.

— Carlos Garcia

IT Professional, vegan and animal rights advocate

I’ve loved animals since I was a child. I always felt they had their own presence and understanding even if they didn’t speak the language we understood. As a wildlife photographer, I’m able to observe animals as they gather food, tend to their young, watch for predators or approach potential prey. Animals are intelligent, keen observers of their surroundings and wonderful parents. They love just as we love. Anyone who has owned a pet will know what I mean. Wild animals and animals we keep for entertainment, food and research are no different. I guess I’ve always recognized that they are sentient beings with different skills from us humans. My belief is that if more people knew and saw how animals are treated then they will begin to look for alternatives to the way we treat them. As I learned about many of the conditions We Animals documents, I lost sleep.  We Animals is instrumental in bringing awareness of the hidden plight of many animals. For me, I want the funds and property I have left to contribute to something I think will make a difference in attitudes. In my perception, We Animals is at the heart of building awareness with images we can no longer turn away from.

— Anne Kramer

Wildlife and Nature Photographer, Licensed Therapist

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